Friday, January 30, 2009

Doubt(ful) about Doubt.


LOL. I don't know what to say about this show. Maybe just that it's in the wrong theatres- it really should be put in the picturehouse instead of the normal ones. Yes i know i can always act smart and say stuffs like "wah this show dam good. acting dam good sia. then like got the abrupt ending kind so you can think about the show over and over again. excellent! must must must must x100 go watch worxxx!" -.-

Okay. In short, i don't think anybody should go watch this show unless
1. you like cheem shows.
2. you like to act cheem (when you're obviously not).
3. you like shows which touches on religious issues.
4. you're really really bored. and i mean really.

When the show ended, i think my face was exactly the same as that when i watched Tony Takitani back in 2005. Totally zomg. It was like 50% of the people blissfully asleep already, 10% shocked and 40% empty. -.- GAYYYYYY. Although the acting is all pretty good i must say, but it just totally didn't make me feel good.

Yes, just don't watch it.

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