Saturday, August 23, 2008


Okays. Prelims officially starts tomorrow and I have zero idea why I am still blogging. Perhaps just to update some happening stuff that happened for the past week. Anyway, my grandma just passed away. Somehow I don't really feel too sad even though we were quite close. I managed to spend some moments with her quietly alone, even though she didn't talk much to me, I could tell that she's already very tired. I really thank God for taking her away peacefully and quietly, and I am glad that she didn't suffer too much pain during this period. Perhaps, it's the right time to let her go.

Back to more happening things. Beetsma is a happy man now. Much thanks goes firstly to my co-projek (cough) manager, mr khaw, for sharing and conceptualising this dream and 坚持到底 with me even though there were times when the banner seemed too screwed to even be true. Lots of thanks also goes out to St. Albert who wasn't too excited about staying back to paint the banner with us but still managed to do so. I know it was a pain in the apple to stay back but we're really glad you did. Next is of course our last official painter (yes we painted the whole darn thing in 6 hours and 4 person -.-) softergay. Thanks for painting the words cos it would be so ugly if the guys were the one to draw it. Nonetheless there was also mr khaw's wife who popped by to cheer us on? Maybe in the reserve psychological manner, those "secretly" laughs in your heart made me even wanna paint it better.

We started with a photo with Martin who was really excited to take photos with us. No idea why. He didn't even ask like why we're taking photos with him. Perhaps he secretly knew...

Ah. There was also JianXu and HanHao who helped us to do up a sketch of Martin. And below is softergay's sketch. -.- way way off.

And the process...

Softergay painting her words.

Tada! Done.

Look at it soar. (ego x1000000)

But Azlin just had to do something strange when I am taking photo. Wonder what she's doing...

That's all folks.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Electro-Magnetive Gravitational Fields.

2. My level of knowledge on this 3 topics are as screwed as how screwed my post title is now. I just keep procrastinating about how I suck and how these 3 topics have screwed me up big time especially during CT2- a drop of 30 mark. Oh great.

3. I have no idea why I am posting this random post now. Maybe I am just looking for someone to talk to but when I went cycling to the park (to look for someone to talk to), it just had to rain and now im drenched. Oh great.

4. Suckkkkk. Everything seems to be going against me. GREATTTT.

5. Maybe it's just the coagulation of all the thoughts I have over the weekend. I guess this is what happens when I am stuck at home and not going out to chill. Facebook is like now my best friend. And dear bs (not bullshit. just like how lj is not...) is my second best, of course.

6. I am currently addicted to this guy call 周杰伦 and his song 我不配. It has been on my iTunes playlist repeat one mode for almost 100 times already. Song of the weekend. Chinese songs don't really capture my liking but somehow Jay always manages to do it.

7. I feel utterly useless this weekend.

1. I am inspired to blog in point form. Maybe because this is a post without purpose and totally random. Okay maybe not- It's classified under "procrastination". Still I shall start with point form now.

8. It took me quite awhile to realise I had like 2 more weeks after GP prelims to all the main papers. Am I like naturally stupid or what?

9. Captain Kee didn't pangseh me. I really don't know why I am doing this.

11. Sorry Captain Kee!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sugar, Spice, and...

Hmmn. There goes rock climbing farewell.

Rather nice of the juniors to bring us to Kenny Rogers even though the junior:senior isn't really much to their "advantage". Anyways, had quite a good time just chilling and catching up with the guys.

Prelims is coming really close- I dunno... just feel rather stoned about it and feel like slacking it off. Wait, ain't I already slacking? Ah. It just explains the lack of blogging and content. Luckily, we made up some cool stuff to show you guys these days.

We've managed to take a "class" photo! Like our class taking a photo?!! It's almost a miracle seriously. But looking at the number of people in the class... Hmmn maybe that's around how many people we have. Is it not?

What's photo-taking without a little 自高ing? (seriously, I have no idea what they are doing..)

Model couple. So sweet eh? Aww... They were playing the pinch-each-other's-cheek game in case you were wondering what they were doing.

Tree-(House) Climbing Lecture 01

There- The champion of the world feeling a little... confused and uncertain.

Tree-(House) Climbing Lecture 02

Of course, nothing could have ever been possible without our dear photographer, 小一.

And there's always the photography advisor, 李小明.

Why am I feeling so chinese at like 1am in the morning? Okay maybe I should just end it off now with a paragraph of chinese and certainly, with a BANG!

看见徐荣队长与他的"哈人"在高兴 (零抵抗所说:"orgasmic smile"),我心里也提他感到高兴。哈哈!


Friday, August 1, 2008


Ah. There's finally some time for me to blog now. It seems like im blogging very little but i bet others are far worse. Alot of blogs that i am reading are like totally dead for weeks. SO, i take some time of my busy schedule (i am so vip) to write in this blog once more.

Actually, I can remember the happenings of these weeks no more. (rap) Hmmn.. vaguely, there's the durian "party" organised by gay (the softer one) but somehow it turned out to be only 3 of us- softergay, normen and me. And we swallowed 10 durians. Damn, i still can't believe it. Much thanks to gay's dad for bringing us the good durians.

I guess the rest of the days were just spent stoning and attenting remedials which currently stands at a champion all time high of FOUR. Beat that man. There wasn't much chilling these days, just far too busy and tired. The first 3 days of the week totally SUCKS all my energy, leaving me to wilt like a rose for the next 4 days.

But as usual, I am rather confident that it's not just me that's tired.

Photo 1

Photo 2

As one can see from Photo 1 and Photo 2, some are even much more tired.

Nevertheless, there are of course, some that are as energetic as a dragon. There's the normen and liang who are constantly fighting.


And crushing holy scripts into balls to throw at each other.

Still, I am sure that nothing beats this- Normen VS Henry. Watch.

Throwing banana muffins and curry porks. How many times must I tell you guys not to fight? Never learn your lesson one sia.

Anyways, do do the survey by the side of the blog cos i am gonna make a post related to the wonderful state of "our school" in a few days. Got to go collect some photos and think of points.
