Friday, September 5, 2008


I realised it has been awhile since I last updated, thanks to 无抵抗 for the kind reminder.

But seriously, there really anything happening about my life these days. This photo aptly describes my life for the past weeks. (okdoesntmeanimconstantlymuggingbutatleastitriedtothinkaboutitevenwheniplaydoesitcount?)

It's like I am beginning to be transform my life into a full-time mugger and a 100%-ready-to-take-exam-anytime guy. One can perhaps obviously tell from the photo that I have been drinking alot of coffee lately. In addition, there's "The Mug" too. Like OMG IT'S THE MUGGGGG!!!!


I am blogging nonsense. Why did 无抵抗 even try to ask me to blog. Plus it's supposedly a waste my precious mugging time too. Oh yes thinking slightly harder there were cool things that happened to me.

1. My phone screwed up. First it was the camera. Then the screen when i slide it up. Then it's the speaker and microphone. Now it's the screen even when it's down. So are you happy now? HAPPY THAT MY PHONE IS SPOILED? VERY ENTERTAINING IS IT???

2. Even cooler. I was crossing the zebra crossing near VJ and this truck DRIFTED in front of me. I was like ZOMFG WTFF??! I tried to google like "drifting truck" to find a photo, BUT THERE WASN'T EVEN ONE ON GOOGLE!! This was the best I got:

Can you like imagine how rare it is for a truck to drift. AND HOW FREAKING DANGEROUS??!! Although it's cool to die getting hit by a drifting truck but I'd rather still die getting knocked down normally by a non-drifting Lamborghini in any case. (if anyone of you were thinking of knocking me down)

Okay cool right my life? I bet you muggers out there don't have a life as cool as mine. LOSERS.

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