Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear God.

Oh man. In like less than 12 hours I'll be in the lovely and really sunny island called tekong. 4 months ago, 4 months seemed so far away but now, it is 4 months after already.

Anyway, i set out to complete some stuffs after A levels and i think it wasn't too bad. Firstly, i managed to rush my driving and finished it. But dang, im still not driving yet. YET. Next, i managed to learn how to swim at least 50m, which im still rather uncertaining so hopefully i wouldnt drown at the island. I also managed to complete a couple of photography expeditions to quirky places, most memorable being the one with jek which i got bitten by stupid @#$&%*$ wasps. Worked at 2 places- Isetan and Two on the Bun. Isetan was rather enjoyable but my contract was short, Two on the Bun was just irritating to work for but still made some good friends like Cliff. It was also alot of fun just hanging out with friends like 07S51, xianyi, jek, xiaoyi, lmkh, ong, keesiao, fsaw, snorlax etc etc.

Lastly, I finally RECEIVED A HUG FROM A GAY!

But actually, it wasn't really a very good hug. He's not a good hugger so I have totally no idea why he's giving free hugs in the middle of orchard road. His hug to me was like cold and flaccid and the best part of it all is that when I asked him why he's doing that (giving hugs), he said "to show that there's someone in this world that cares about you." I instantly diaoed. Oh my god lah. After his hug i just felt that there's one less person in this world that cares about me -.-

Ok i shall stop talking nonsense already. 2 weeks later people. Till then..

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