Wednesday, June 25, 2008


OMG. I am still suffering from the mugmentum (p=mv) of CT2 and still quite stoned. I don't know why this time it was really quite bad, I guess it's the mugging during the hols that suck. As one can see, my blood shot eyes are like still around so went to take a shot of it before it recovers.

Anyways, 1 month of intense mugging (ok i admit not 1 whole month) was quite bad. Everyday was just..

Or this..

Seriously, it was rather shitty. All that weeks of intensive starbucks have built up into me ending up like that on the bed and only to wake up at 12 today.

Anyways, couple of peeps, Lim Chin Beng, Normen, Jastine, Gayz, DaYi and LMBR gtom nv went out to do some serious chilling right after maths paper. It was just bowling at CSC and dinner and pool. Playing bowling again has made me realise I always come back to backstab during bowling like how I stabbed DaYi during the first game yesterday. Thinking back, I did exact the same to Louis at Kallang bowl too, breaking my high score by leaps and bounds for the first time, 172 with 5 in a row strikes like wth.

Okay, now im just so stoned at home. Poor chem people writing vigourously on their papers while im just chilling. Feels so strange to be disconnected with the world. It makes me wonder if I should actually have taken Chem so that I could feel the same pain as my fellow brothers.

No way siaoz. Some sleep now might be good.

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