Thursday, October 25, 2007

Random Thoughts.

Hate to emo but sometimes, the lonely nights listening to Xianyi's secret album, I just can't help but emo.

Perhaps just a little.

These days haven't been nice. I guess its alot of stuff + my parents rubbing salt into my wounds about my results. I hate my parents. They are just such UN-understanding people. It's not like I've not put in my effort already. I've done best and this is my best, can't they just fucking accept it and stop nagging?

Bad day today.
Went to school at 11am. Met alot of people at the VJ busstop- Michelle, Nick, Gay, Channeng. LOL almost like some Pasir Ris outing. -.- PWed for like awhile till around 1pm. Went KFC to makan with Azlin + Yuting. Had a nice time chatting and eating SINFUL, oily fried chicken. Could have been the reason why I didn't manage to climb well today. No thanks to my mum who called me halfway and suaned me on the phone AGAIN. I swear I am not gonna pick up her calls anymore.

After which went to climbasia to climb. My mood was destroyed by 2 godlike climbers + injuring myself stupidly. Oh well 4 bucks gone into the drain. Went off early with Winfred.

Went back to Parry. Kinda freaky at night. Haha plus the gates were locked for the upper floors. Ruined my plans of going back for a photoshoot. Seems like a ladder is much needed.


All this emoness has let me to seriously think about the purpose in my life. I realised I am quite an aimless guy who just has to produce a slip of beautiful result slip to shut my parents up. This is how pathetic I am. Isn't it terrible? Sian. I need a real purpose to my life. Like seriously.

Someone help?


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