Friday, June 4, 2010


Can somebody please give the YOG comittee a good shake to wake up their idea?

I mean, it's already bad enough that the cheer didn't get vetted by someone, or just anybody, with even the slightest pinch of musical aptitude. Okay, then this cheer just got approved by who-knows-who and the best part- it starts getting into the radio. You know, everytime I heard this OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH going on, I'll go into a state of involuntary spasm to annihilate the radio. Yes, ANNIHILATE. The worst part is when I am in the car, cos I can't really kick the radio in the car cos the speakers are everywhere.


Bad enough already, they even came up with some dance moves. Picture speaks a thousand words, YouTube speaks a billion. So just watch.

0:32- This girl in grey gives the you-got-to-be-kidding-me look and secretly sniggers at herself.
0:44- This guy in a dark blue polo gives the serious i've-got-to-take-a-video-of-this-epic-joke-to-post-on-youtube look.
1:58- [left] The lady was obviously cheated by all the noise into wasting energy to walk to the side of the shopping mall to watch erm.. I don't really know how to describe. [centre] Clearly amused, but is this cheer suppose to be funny? [right] Even the old auntie is amused. You can even see her nodding in approval.
2:02- I guess the breakdance was there to diffuse the tense and awkward situation cos I don't suppose everybody can breakdance. But even that was quite epic fail. You can see this guy second from bottom left in light blue polo and brown pants who was clearly lost, or either that he just fumbled. The guy on his right was even better! He stood up for a second and realised that everybody was posing so he decided to jump around to act 參加.

I'll be happy if they can just stop playing the cheer on the radio.

Anyway, FAOCC and safari is finally over so.. HELLO LULL!

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