Friday, September 18, 2009

New Directions.

Everything flows. Nothing stands still.

There are many people whom we will meet everyday in our lives. Our parents, relatives not by choice. Our direct circle of friends whom could be by choice or not. And sometimes random people we come across each and every other day. One similarity amongst all these people is that there have the ability to affect you in one way or another, minor or major. These people are the ones who influence your life, your way of living each day. You'll grow attached to them, creating new ones and strengthening old ones as time goes by.

However, when these people change, when you and I change, the bonds between them will definitely be affected. There are only 24 hours each day, there are no 25 hours in a day- when changes occur, these bonds will have to be adjusted, to fit new ones, to remove old ones, or even to make space for stronger, larger bonds. It is not possible to keep having new bonds, yet keeping existing ones equally strong or even stronger.

The past 1 month has been one with rapid changes. Meeting new friends from FH, meeting new instructors from FH, catching up with old pals in uni, bmt and sispec, it has been quite a powerful tornado across my life. It's time to get things together, back into focus.

I need new directions in my life.

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