Saturday, October 4, 2008

Adiós, VJC.

That's that. 4 years finally gone and Im OUT!

Actually not that emo now so nothing much to talk about. Ms Ong messaged me early in the morning and wished me well for my As. I guess it's people like her that I'll always remember VJ for. It's like she has been out of VJ already, yet she still knows it is Farewell that day. It's comforting to know that there are still people around who cares (notaboutthat4As).

Okay I admit. I'll remember classic moments like this too.

Farewell Assembly was rather funny I must say. The highlight is certainly seeing Mr Yong in VJ Knights -.- RESPECT MAN LOLL!

And we had our most successful class outing yet. It's really amazing cos like as it gets closer to As, more and more people wanna go for outings -.- That's why I say we're a strange class. Here's the class photo in almost full resolution:

Here's dear Beets, wishing him happy retirement!

And our memorable V35, where we met and where we left..

Our dear well-rounded CPM.

And thanks to our security guards, VJ is a safe and sound place. (wait, sound?)

Chang Yang makes an apt ending to this chapter of my life.

No wait. Maybe Henry is not bad too..

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